Friday, May 13, 2011

Breakthough - I get the point of "The Suite" now.

A while back, I had commented on the "End of the World" suite (I'm referring to my piece, just to be clear, which is on the music page), saying "There are aspects of each movement I don't like, plus, I'm still trying to decide what I actually want the sound of the suite to be as a whole." Obviously the second movement is the one that needed the most work, so I planned to re-write it first, but had ideas in general for how I'd want to redesign the first movement. Well, the other day I cracked a musical idea for it that works really well, and will expand it from the little short ditty it is into a full-blown piece in its own right. Plus, I think I'll challenge myself and actually do lyrics in it for once - it's high time I broke that ice and started writing actual songs. Plus, it's kind of important for the re-working I had in mind - from a love piece to a more remorseful one, dealing with acceptance and moving forwards. It's more powerful and more meaningful a theme, especially for me to be able to connect with (for reasons that should be obvious).