At least, for the music page.
First of all, the damn url was fixed so now it's simply ".../p/music.html" instead of the WAY TOO LONG "music-compositions-arrangements."
I'm also trimming the page down a ton - a lot of those descriptions were just too damn long, and there were some pieces there that honestly didn't need to be there. I'm also redoing it so that newer stuff is always towards the top - it was too confusing before. I'm also removing the "vocal" section, since hopefully in the future, more of my compositions will actually be vocal as well.
I'm also changing the metadata cover art that comes with the mp3s when you download them - a prototype of the new design can be seen to the left. This change won't take place immediately, especially since the actual cover art might change a bit, but this is the general idea - the old art just looked too strange.
In other news, expect a whole batch of new music to be uploaded soon - I'm going to do a new thing where whenever I upload a new piece of music, I'll do a new blog post about it. That way, anyone who's actually following this blog will be able to be updated about new pieces of music instead of having to wait.
Peace out y'all!
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