Huh. Does that mean I can’t use that as a title anymore?
Anyways, for those of you who may be reading this on Facebook, this is actually my personal blog on my website (link on my profile) which I’ve synced up with FB so that every time I post a new blog entry it is brought up as a note. It’s a cool feature.
Anyways, hi.
For a while I thought I was actually just basically doing this site to amuse myself, but I recently received a few comments from people I know about it, so I figure maybe I do have an audience after all.
Anyway, I’ve been working on a newer piece of music for a while now. It’s actually been about a year in the making to be honest- and it’s gone through many many different changes as I kept retooling it over the years. My aim is to ultimately make something that anyone can listen to and appreciate that still explores interesting musical realms. I was inspired mostly by Prog Rock but I think Red by Crimson was specifically the song that kinda pushed me over the edge into the realm the song currently resides. It was kinda dopey at first but as I’ve continued to retool it, I think I’ve finally started actually really liking it. It’s an area I like a lot and I think you will too, but I need to finish it first.
One thing I think is funny is that as I kept working on it I became less dependent on using stock drumbeats- I actually started synthesizing my own using Garageband’s toolkit of individual drum sounds. It’s kind of liberating. Once you know what you’re doing, you have a lot more control over how you want your piece of music to sound.
Anyway, I started playing Halo recently and it’s a lot of fun. It’s actually got a very interesting story, and being myself a bit of a Doctor Who and Star Trek fan, it was a fun story to sink your teeth into. The music is absolutely mind-blowing, though. While listening to Martin O’Donnell’s main theme for Halo, try to count the amount of influences you can hear. There’s a LOT, and he blends them seamlessly, which is REALLY cool. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the music he did for Halo is WAY better than the music Michael Giacchino wrote for the newest Star Trek movie. Also: I typically think rock songs showing up in video games can be annoying a lot of times, especially “guest” pieces, but O’Donnell actually handles the mixing for the songs in Halo 2 very well in my opinion. Whereas the originals themsevles would have been painful to hear in-game, the mixes he produced to use in the game are actually really good, and appropriate.
Do you know he was also the casting director? What a renaissance man.
Anyway. Peace out you guys. Reccomend good movies for me to watch this summer. (Like not new movies, but movies that are good.)
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