Today I added a project I’ve been meaning to work on for years. A half-minute piece, which is a warped version of Bach’s “Sicut Locutus Est” that I heard in a nightmare once.
In addition, I really hope, with my new mic, to revisit “Ver Frigidus,” for a variety of reasons.
First of all, it just doesn’t catch the tone I was aiming for with the piece. It just doesn’t sound right! It’s too rhythmic and not flowing like I wrote it. Plus, I have a new mic now, so that should help, and also, I found my original score for the piece! :D Finally. I had forgotten that I had originally called the piece “Sixteenth’s End,” to signify my fear of turning 17 at the time. I don’t know. Point is, I really would like to revisit that one sometime soon.
Anyone see the Brawl leaks? They are TEH WIN!
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