It’s Sunday. The last day of my four-day-weekend. It’s cold. I’m sitting wearing slippers and a sweatshirt as I finish my homework. There’s no one to talk to (Ever notice when you try to IM a girl, they conveniently “gotta go” after about a minute of the conversation? It never fails...). I’m incredibly bored.
Just as I begin to think I understand my Physics homework, I find myself wondering: What the devil is N*s? So I decide to log on so I can get more information. Of course, once I’m connected, it comes to my attention that I have 40 emails needing to be sifted through.
Folks. Let me make this loud and clear. We don’t care about your lost cell phone. Seriously. I’m a nice person and all, but if and when I receive an email with the word “lost...” in it, I am instantly going to delete it. Pow. Done. 60% of the time it’s gonna be in your pocket anyway but you just forgot. Try checking there.
And it doesn't help that people are using our e-mail server as a way to advertise. I mean seriously.
How many e-mails am I going to keep receiving that say “Fall athletes please read?” I’m not an athlete and neither is 70% of the school! Please, just make a list next time and spare us the effort needed to delete the email!
Okay, well let’s assume people need information in they are a prospective player. Well, if I were an athlete, and I really, really wanted to join the football team, I think I’d be motivated enough to go and try to find out information for myself. Not EVERYTHING needs to be spoon-fed to us, folks.
And that’s why I praise those staff members who actually only send e-mails about something to those people who are involved. I thank you all for actually taking the time to individually sort through the e-mail addresses of those people who are involved. It prevents some random person from getting their mailbox even further clogged. You are the few, the proud: The heroes. ;)
But it’s not even about sports most of the time. People just have to send emails around about some random club they’ve started. “Wanna join a really cool club?” “Here’s an awesome club for you to join!” “Interested in clubs?” “JOIN HARVESTERS!!!!!1111oneoneone” Again, if I were interested in clubs- which, frankly, I’m not- I would go and find out information about it myself.
And then there are those of us who simply have not realized the fact that being in a competitive school requires work. Instead, these bozos decide to use their time to send random, pointless and mostly profane e-mails out to everyone in the school, simply to annoy everyone else.
Ha ha. Laugh now, creep. You won’t be laughing when you receive your report card.
And then, when I go back to school, people always say “didn’t you get the e-mail? We were SUPPOSED to...”
No. After all that deleting I barely want to see another e-mail ever again in my life. I honor anyone who still has the courage to do so. A statue must be made in your honor. Seriously.
Now I’ve just spent 20 minutes writing an admittedly whiny blog entry and I still don’t know what N*s means. Hm.
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