Monday, September 16, 2013

Update on the whole website thing

Just wanted to give a tiny update - while I haven't gone through the process of migrating the blog away from Blogger to a new format, this blog, however, is now reachable at as well as the usual

In addition, I've got a slightly more professional-looking temp page up, with links to my SoundCloud and LinkedIn pages and everything. Cool stuff.

That's all for now, carry on!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I now own!

Yup, it's true. Check it out for yourself.

As of this post I've only got a temporary "parked" page up (which is really just this image here), but I will begin working on developing a full personal website that will include a general bio, my qualifications (and perhaps my resume), a portfolio of project examples, and links to my SoundCloud and LinkedIn pages.

What I'm also probably going to do is migrate this entire blog over to a private subdomain of this site (when I say "private," I really just mean I won't include a link to it on my home page, but it will probably be accessible at /blog). Since the blog has sometimes dealt with personal issues, I would rather not have it easily available from the same location "official stuff" like my resume and portfolio are at. But, I can at least take advantage of having the domain and move it elsewhere so that I'll no longer have to rely on Blogger/Blogspot, which I've grown kind of tired with (sorry guys, you've been great but it's time for me to move on).

Stay tuned! :)