So I went to Ireland over the summer. It was a really great experience and one I'll remember fondly for a long time.
While I was travelling on a bus tour through the mountains, this simple melody came to my mind, so I spent a while working on it. I mulled it over for several months, though, because no matter what I tried to do with it, it just didn't sound right. I simply don't have MIDI soundfonts that are good enough to capture the sound I was going for. It's also compositionally lacking, but I gotta tell you, I got nothin'.
So I'm just gonna release it as-is, and if I figure out a way of updating it later on I'll let you know. It's called "An Sléibhte na hÉireann" which literally means "the mountains of Ireland."
Fun fact, though, those of you that listened to "Searching for Sight" will recognize the main motif. I quoted it in "Searching" as one of the related "themes" I was mashing together. (I wrote this before Searching for Sight.)
I have some other big news I'd like to talk about with you guys, and a few pieces I worked on for an electronic music class I think you might dig, but now's not the time. Stay tuned for updates.