Hey guys,
You're looking at the first major site redesign of Maurus' Lair!
Why, you might ask, did I perform such an update?
Well, unnamed individual, a couple of different reasons:
One - I got Dropbox, which made hosting my music using box.net and its embedded media player now seem silly.
Two - Helping my mother with her final project - she had to create a multimedia-based web report, and based on my experiences with Blogger, I thought it'd be the perfect thing for her - made me realize that my blogspot theme had by this point become very passé. Having gained a year's worth of HTML practice designing TCT and OTF's forums, I realized this simply would not do and got to work designing a new appearance for the site.
So I went ahead and gutted everything - the new design is cleaner and more organized.
The biggest changes, of course, have been to the music page, which has been completely redesigned and features loads of new pieces I didn't post to the site before. You should definitely go check it out.
If you're reading this from Facebook, check out my website (and my music!) at http://mauruslair.blogspot.com/p/home.html.
Peace out everyone!